Textbook Information

Sonographic Physics – Instrumentation – Doppler

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Our Results Speak for Themselves

With over 40 years of experience in the field, you can trust our products and services to be the best in class. Ask about our educational material for diagnostic imaging. Educating yourself in the fundamentals of diagnostic imaging will enhance your daily diagnostic capabilities.

Nate Pinkney

Technical Manager

Nate Pinkney is a biomedical engineer and medical imaging consultant. He has designed and managed the installation of video monitoring systems in several healthcare facilities. In addition to authoring many publications on medical imaging and video-integrated operating rooms, he has taught in numerous diagnostic medical imaging programs.

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Get bulk pricing for multiple copies by sending us a business email at imaging@sonicorllc.com. During business hours, call for information: Phone: (215) 855-1955.

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Get additional educational material for medical imaging by sending us a business email at imaging@sonicorllc.com.
During business hours, call for more information. Phone: (215) 855-1955.

Who We Work With

Our textbooks have been selected for use in diagnostic medical imaging courses at several prestigious institutions
Delaware Technical Community College Logo

 Wilmington, DE

George Washington University Logo

Washington, DC

Ohio State University Logo

Columbus, OH

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Logo

Philadelphia, PA

Rutgers University Logo

Newark, NJ

Thomas Jefferson University Logo

Philadelphia, PA

Widener University Logo

Chester, PA